First I need to say that rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated! I am still alive but not so well - I have that nasty little cruddy cold that has been making it's rounds everywhere. Uggh! All my busyness has caught up with me and I am being forced to lay on the couch. I don't sit still very well. Especially this time of year with so much going on! Today though, that's about all I did, lay on the couch and sleep. Yesterday though was a different matter.
You see, yesterday, our sweet baby girl became a teenager.
Wow, that was fast!
And because it was such a big day in our family, I chugged down a gallon of cold medicine and bucked up so we could celebrate!
See - aren't we the happy family?!!
We actually are! :)
You see, yesterday, our sweet baby girl became a teenager.
Wow, that was fast!
And because it was such a big day in our family, I chugged down a gallon of cold medicine and bucked up so we could celebrate!
See - aren't we the happy family?!!
We actually are! :)

It's kind of hard to see in the background there, but the sign on the table reads "If your family doesn't like barbeque, find a new one."
No problem here, we love it! But that sign cracked me up!
I also love that the wait staff helps you celebrate by banging garbage can lids together while attempting to sing Happy Birthday. This must be why they are waiting tables, they sure can't sing, but it was fun anyway!

Pretty cool cake, eh?

She loved it, that's all that matters!

Again, she loved it, so any pain and suffering I endured while creating it was so worth it - for her!

it made her laugh hysterically which is always a feat.
Go Brandon!
Oh, does she look like her mama - lucky girl!