and what has she done with my baby?!!
Another 1st day of school today - this time it's 8th grade. That means there are just 5 more 1st days of school before she goes off to college.

I'm not the blubbery mess I was on her first day of first grade, but there is something about watching my beautiful girl walk away in her high wedge shoes that just squeezes my heart. She's such an amazing young lady in so many ways and truly the best part of Mark and I.
Here's the front of the card I put in her lunchbox today:

She is fabulous - but it doesn't hurt to be reminded of it. I'm hoping this makes her smile when she opens her lunch.

Have an amazing day and an awesome year sweet girl.
We love you,
Mom and Dad
She is so pretty, Robin. I am sure lunch will be a wonderful surprise for her.