Well, any morning that I wake up is a great morning, but really - today is starting off fantastic!
It's been kind of a rough 6 weeks or so around here. Busyness galore, missing my Dad at Christmas, changes with our church, skating, skating and more skating. Pretty much every area of my life was affected by STUFF, know what I mean?
Today though, I see a little light at the end of my tunnel and I'm getting very excited about next week especially because I'll get to be with so many of my fabulous stampin' friends in San Antonio at SU!'s Leadership Conference! Can you say "mini-vacation for Mom"??
I still have a ton of work to do both for my classes next week and stuff for the conference, but today, it seems do-able. Like God is whispering to me "It's all gonna be ok, just trust me." And I do. He gives the peace that passes all understanding and I see it in so many things when I take the time to acknowledge them in my life. A sunny morning when you expected rain; a sweet text from a friend saying "Hey Petunia!", getting to have a few hours out to shop and play with another friend, having my sweet Buster curled up beside me as I type this post. They are all small, simple things, but they bring me joy and peace and I know that each is a gift from the God who loves me so much!
What are YOUR simple joys? You know you have them, wanna share?
I've loved reading your comments and e-mails on this post the other day - Early Twitter. You guys are awesome!
Since I was thinging about simple joys this morning, I thought I'd share a simple card with you as well. It's one that we made at my Open House last month.

I know, I know, Mixed Bunch again!
It's the simplified version of my Marimekko style cards from the other day, but how quick and easy can this be?
Poppy Parade cardstock, Poppy Parade ink for the background flower, Poppy Parade Twill Ribbon. Add a splash of Daffodil Delight with the two punched flowers and Basic Rhinestone for the bling and you've got it!
Simple, elegant and easy - and sure to bring a smile to someone's face when you send them a sweet note in it.
You know, a card is a hug with a fold in the middle!
So, I hope you all have a sunny day too - even if it's not sunny outside.
Here's a great song that I shared on my Facebook this morning. It's a great reminder that everything we do is a reflection of our creator. When we show Jesus to those around us, it's a two way blessing!
Stamped blessings,
I love this card! It is fun and cheery!