We had such a fun three days of adventure in New York this week! I wanted to share some of our photos with you. I tried to post this yesterday from the rink while Emma was skating, but their internet was wonky so I'm just now finishing up. This is just the first day and a half - I'll post the rest tomorrow, ok?

Lunch at Vanessa's Dumpling House - standing room only, per usual. They really are the BEST dumplings and pork buns in the city. All four of us at lunch for $12 total, that included our bottled water. Delicious and a great value. It's on Eldredge St. just around the corner from the Tenement Museum.

Next stop was the Antiques Garage - part of the Hell's Kitchen Flea Market. Parking garage by week, antiques mecca by weekend. On 25th St. between 6th and 7th Ave. It's where I found my awesome table last year. We drove a smaller car this year so I couldn't bring home another table. True story! But I did manage to find something cool for the studio.

Emma always has fun with the vintage clothes and accessories. She says that she wants a vintage wedding dress when she gets married. Guess that means she can wear mine! hahahaha!!

Here are the cool print blocks I found for the studio. These were in fantastic condition and a bargain!

After all that antique shopping, we had to have a snack to fortify us, so we walked south on 6th Ave a couple of blocks to the Crumbs Bakery. (there's also one in DC now). Emma looks like she could eat them all!

Sea Salt Chocolate Caramel for me.

Since Granny and Emma were pooped out, Mark and I got an unexpected dinner a deux. We decided to head to Little Italy and chose Sofia's on Mulberry St. There really is no 'bad' food in Little Italy, and this was just outstanding! We'd definitely eat there again.

Here's looking out from our table. Mark had Pappardelle with Bolognese sauce and I had Pasta a la Vodka. Both SO delicious!

One of the things I love most about New York is the window displays. Some are just so beautiful like this dress shop in the Lower East Side.

Dramatic, like the Kate Spade window.

And downright weird like the Adidas store. Who, I ask, would really wear this?? And why are there stuffed monkeys on the shoes??

Would you buy these shoes for your kid?? Yep, kids shoes. Crazy.

We spent a bit of time in Washington Square Park, a place I'd never lingered before. The arch is really beautiful.

Time out for some family photos.

Love this one!

Isn't that pretty??

One more of the arch from the other side.
That blue sky was amazing!

Love this photo of the tulip beds.

And looking up towards the Empire State Building.

Me and my girl.
I'll be back tomorrow with part two! Hope you enjoyed seeing it again with me!
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